Who/What is Techdy Bear?
- Techdy Bear isn't any ordinary bear, it's a tech-equipped bear blog.

Who is the author/owner of Techdy Bear?
- Me, hahaha..... I would like to be simply known as Keong17. 

When Techdy Bear was born?
- 14/3/2010.

How did the blog name (Techdy Bear) came from?
- I got this creative, funky & funny name by accidentally. Tech + Teddy Bear = Techdy Bear.

Why Techdy Bear?
- At Techdy Bear, I'm willing to share my views, opinions, thoughts about tech, keep updating you with today's tech. Making sure that you get the best of tech.

Why tech-writing?
- My interest. By tech-writing, I can learn tech better & help tech readers to know everything about tech.

Target Readers?
- Everyone (no specific target readers)

Any messages for readers?
- Support Techdy Bear by reading it often. Keep coming back for more. Hope you all will get what you wanted here. Thanks!

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