iPad Unboxing Videos

Written by Keong17 | 4/04/2010 | , | 0 comments »

Now, YouTube are flooded with Apple iPad unboxing videos since it was on sale.

Many Bloggers, buyers, and professional tech reviewers have recorded their own iPad unboxing videos. Some includes their own reviews on the gadget. Some just simply took iPad out of the box and let's viewers have a clear view on the product.

The much-hype iPad unboxing videos have drawn viewers all around the world to have a look on what's inside the box, especially for those potential buyers. These videos will help them to make decision whether to go for it or not.

I have looked for good iPad unboxing videos from YouTube and selected two of the best for you.

Here are the videos :
Unboxing by CNET.
Professional reviews. I think this is one of the best iPad unboxing videos.

Unboxing by PC Mag.
An awesome iPad unboxing/review video. Quite detailed.

Hope you like them. Check out more at YouTube websites.

sources : YouTube

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