There is a nice video about the new iPhone 4 titled " Apple - iPhone 4 - This changes everything. Again" at YouTube. You might want to watch this video.

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iPhone 4 officially announced!

Written by Keong17 | 6/08/2010 | , | 0 comments »

At the WWDC 2010, Apple CEO just announced Apple's next-gen iPhone called iPhone 4. The new device comes with a bunch of new features along with the new design you've already seen well in advance in various leaks.

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Charging your phone while riding a bicycle. Are you joking? Nope, you can charge your phone when you are riding bicycle with Nokia Bicyle Charger Kit.

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Make your Google homepage feel more like, well, home! Choose your own image or photo to appear as the background to your Google homepage. You can choose an image from your Picasa Web photos, your computer or a Google public gallery.

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SanDisk G4 & P4 SSD announced

Written by Keong17 | 6/04/2010 | | 0 comments »

SanDisk has introduced two new SSD lines at Computex 2010 this week. These are fourth generation solid-state drives meant to cater for desktop PCS, laptops, and ultra-thin devices.

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You ever wonder what your e-mail address says about your computer knowledge?

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