Charging your phone while riding a bicycle. Are you joking? Nope, you can charge your phone when you are riding bicycle with Nokia Bicyle Charger Kit.

There is one obvious challenge to offering mobile phones in emerging markets: the availability of electricity to charge a mobile phone. You can’t expect people to be driving around cars with chargers when most in the market might be riding bicycles.
That’s one reason that Nokia has announced the Nokia Bicycle Charger Kit. The kit not only allows a bicycle to charge a phone while they ride it also could create a micro-business for individuals who could offer mobile phone charging services for a fee using a bicycle. For those in non-emerging markets, the solution also introduces a green way to keep your mobile phone charged without having to plug it into the electrical grid.
The kit includes a holder, charger and a small electrical generator which utilizes the movement of the bicycle’s wheels to charge the phone through a 2mm charging jack used on most Nokia phones. The Nokia Bicycle Charger Kit is expected to be available before the end of the year and will be available through select retail locations and online
Get your bicycle ready, we are going to get our phones charged!

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