Want to get Magic Circles on your Facebook? Come, let's learn this cool trick.

Inspired by the author of My Info Centre, I would to share with you this Facebook trick. I know some of you already knew this interesting Facebook trick. But for those who haven't know it, you might want to find out how.

This cool trick only requires some simple steps.

Follow these steps :
1. Log in your Facebook account.
2. Press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Enter key 
3. It's done. The Magic Circles will appear. The effect can be seen when scrolling the page, clicking or typing.
4. You can remove it by refreshing the page (If this doesn't work, just simply logout).

What actually are these Magic Circles on Facebook :
This is Konami code used in Konami video games as cheat. Facebook displays the circles as lens flare effects as a fun stuff for Facebook users. These are also used by different websites on the web.

sources : Facebook

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  1. MyInfoCentre // April 04, 2010 3:19 PM  

    It is a good trick for Facebook users.

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