Meet Greg Packer, the professional line "camper/sitter" gonna be the first person to purchase iPad at Fifth Avenue's Apple Store in New York City.

Back in 2007, he was credited as being the first in line to purchase an iPhone at the Apple Store at Fifth Avenue in NYC. He began camping in front of the store at 5:00 a.m. on Monday, June 25, 2007, 110 hours before the iPhone went on sale. He is currently performing a similar stunt at the same Apple Store for the release of the iPad.

Who are him?
A 47 years old retired highway worker from Huntington, New York.

Why did he want to be first in line for the iPad?
"Because back when the iPhone first came out...I was the first one to get this so I figured..let me see how the iPad works, instead of, you know, getting a laptop."

Watch him in this video :

Techdy Bear views :
He did it again! First, it was iPhone. Now, iPad. I just want to wish him good luck. Go get it, Greg!

sources : Wikipedia, Youtube, The Huffington Post, My Tech Knowledge

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