Last Monday, Microsoft finally revealed two new phones under Project Pink - Kin One and Kin Two, targeted toward the younger generation of social butterflies.

Both phones are for men and women anywhere between the ages of 15 and 30 who want to broadcast their every thought, sight, and sound and want to know what their friends are up to as well.

As a result, a lot of the phones' functions are built around the social-networking experience.

Kin One
The Kin One (codenamed Turtle) is the more interesting of the two in terms of design. It has a squarish shape with rounded edges.

The handset is extremely compact and lightweight, fitting nicely in the palm of your hand. It has a bit of a plastic feel, but the soft-touch finish on back prevents it from feeling completely slick. At a smaller size, the full QWERTY keyboard would be a nightmare to use, but the oval buttons are a decent size and have a good amount of spacing between them. In addition, the keys are raised above the phone's surface, so they're easy to press.

The Kin One has a lower 5-megapixel camera, which can shoot video only in standard definition, and it has half the onboard storage of the Kin Two, at 4GB. 

Kin Two
Meanwhile, the Kin Two (codenamed Pure) has a familiar look, just like other horizontal slider phones on the market today. 

It has 3.6-inch HVGA capacitive touchscreen with multitouch and screen rotation support. The display was slightly sharper than the Kin One's. Below the screen, there is a single button that returns you to the previous screen (this is the same as on the Kin One) and aside from the controls on the side, this is your only physical control.

Kin Two also has a 8-megapixel camera with HD video recording or the 8GB of internal storage.

Both Kin One and Kin Two will be available soon (not sure yet). Stay tune!

sources : Kin, CNET Asia

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