The Ultima franchise - Lord of Ultima has returned as a free-to-play online game.

Created by German studio EA Phenomic, the browser-based MMORTS Lord of Ultima is set to launch on April 20, EA announced earlier this week.

As a would-be ruler, each player builds his own individual medieval city from defense facilities to trade contracts with other players. Like all free games, Lord of Ultima is supported by micro-transactions in the form of in-game bonuses available for purchase using real cash.

The Ultima series began in 1980 with Richard Garriott’s Ultima 1: The First Age of Darkness.

You can try out the ongoing beta immediately here or wait until next week to become the lord of Ultima.

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  1. MyInfoCentre // April 19, 2010 4:27 AM  

    I would like to try to play this. Looks kinda cool

  2. Keong17 // April 19, 2010 1:38 PM  

    i haven't try it yet. Don't expect too much as it's a browser-based online game.

  3. Steve Yu // April 20, 2010 10:11 PM  

    Thanks for sharing it. Anyway, I still prefer the normal PC games. :-)

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