Recently, Nokia's Ovi Store has achieved 1.6 million apps download per day. 
Only a month ago around 1.5 million apps were downloaded from the Ovi Store each day and now the downloads per day reach 1.6 million. Sounds impressive? But still no match for App Store.

During the iPhone OS 4.0 event, Apple announced that over 4 billion apps have been downloaded from their App Store to date (Ovi Store will need almost 7 years for that). 

Currently, there are over 100 devices compatible with Nokia's Ovi Store and more than 60 of them run Symbian. The most active visitors of the Ovi Store are the owners of some of Nokia's most recent smartphones (such as N900, X6, 5530 XpressMusic, 5800 XpressMusic, N97, N97 mini etc.).

The Ovi Store is accessible in more than 80 countries and 66 operators in 19 of them have enabled mobile billing with the Ovi Store. That allows customers to pay for the apps they download without using any debit or credit cards. In this case the purchase amount is charged to the customer's monthly phone bill.

The Ovi Store is available in 30 different languages and most of the customers can pay for the app they purchase using their local currency.

sources : GSM Arena

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