Apple iPad Top 10 FAQ

Written by Keong17 | 4/03/2010 | , | 0 comments »

Since iPad was launched by Steve Jobs back in January, questions bear in everyone's mind, thinking of the new product from Apple.

Public started to question almost everything about the Apple iPad.

What iPad have? What iPad can do? Is iPad the successor of iPhone? Is iPad a laptop? ........ Tons of these type of questions came to everyone's head especially those Apple lovers.

I also have these type of questions about the new iPad. I lookout for answers in search engines and websites.

Here are the Top 10 FAQ of Apple iPad (my opinion) :
1. How is the iPad different from a laptop?
The word "laptop" is getting somewhat brushed aside for a truckload of new, confusing categories.

The Apple iPad falls into the slate/tablet category of portable personal computers, because, unlike a laptop, it doesn't have a hardware keyboard.

To type and to navigate through files and photos on the iPad, you touch its screen in the same way you operate an iPhone or iPod Touch. That's possible on some laptop models, but not many.

2. How is the iPad different from e-readers like the Kindle?
Reading digital books on "e-readers" like the Amazon Kindle is becoming increasingly popular. The iPad acts like an e-reader and like a personal computer, but there are some notable differences between the two.

For one, the iPad has a color display. The Kindle, by contrast, is only black-and-white. 

The iPad will display books horizontally, with two pages showing, or vertically, zooming in on a single page of text. The Kindle only works in vertical mode.

Both devices access books from different online bookstores. iPad users buy books from Apple's iBookstore. Kindle users must buy their books from

3. How much does the iPad cost?
Prices range from $499 to $829. The more expensive versions have more storage space, which means you can put more music and videos on the device.

iPads that connect to the Internet with Wi-Fi only are less expensive than those that can connect through Wi-Fi and through AT&T's mobile Internet network.

4. Do you have to sign-up for an AT&T contract when you buy the iPad?
You don't have to buy an AT&T mobile Internet contract to purchase the iPad.
Users can pay by the month and cancel at any time without penalty, Apple CEO Steve Jobs said at the iPad unveiling.

5. If there's no keyboard, how do you type on the iPad?
Instead of being a piece of plastic with physical keys, the iPad's keyboard is a graphic that pops up on the device's touch-sensitive screen -- an interface that will be familiar to iPhone and iPod Touch users.

iPad users type by touching pictures of keys on the screen. The iPad keyboard is about the same size as the one on your desk, but you can't feel the keys. 

6. What does the iPad do best?
The iPad is designed for consuming various types of media - reading books, browsing the Web and watching videos, in particular. 

It's also marketed as a portable gaming device, and there are hundreds of games for sale in the iPad App Store.

The device doesn't have a DVD player, but you can download videos from Apple, or stream them from the Web.

The iPad is best suited for people who would, say, want to read their e-mail, but wouldn't have to compose lengthy responses.

It's better for a blog reader than a blog writer.

7. Can you create documents, spreadsheets and presentations with the iPad?
Apple created a new suite of "apps" specifically for the iPad. These iWork programs, which cost $9.99 each, let users create documents, edit spreadsheets and create business presentations from the iPad

It's unclear how easy these programs will be to use. Some reviewers say it's easy enough to compose business documents on the iPad. Others say serious users will need another computer to be productive.

The iPad has a Wi-Fi connection, which, in theory, could be used for printing documents wirelessly through your printer. There is some debate online about what apps will perform this function.

8. Can you view any Web site on the iPad?
A certain format of online video, called Flash, does not play on the Apple iPad.

While there are some workarounds for this, many Web sites are redesigning themselves, using a type of code called HTML5, so they will work on the iPad

That code allows video display on the device, but you may notice some sites will have holes because the iPad doesn't support Flash video.

9. Can you subscribe to newspapers and magazines on the iPad?
Some magazines and newspapers have said they hope the iPad will help save their struggling industries. A number of them have reformatted their publications for the iPad's screen and are offering new digital subscription plans.

10. Will the iPad replace my current computer? Or do you need both?
Some technology writers and critics say the iPad is an all-in-one machine. Others argue that it's more of a portable accessory, and that most computer users need a desktop or laptop computer in addition to an iPad.

What works for you really depends on what you use your computers for. If you spend a lot of time typing or creating things with your computer, it may be easier to use a laptop. If you just want to surf the Web, read books, play games, watch movies or send an occasional short e-mail, the iPad might work.

For more FAQs, please don't hesitate to search it through search engines. I'm sure that your will get your questions answered.

sources : CNN Tech

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