Professional line-sitter Greg Packer, who was the first person in this world to get the iPhone at its launch in 2007, lost his front position in the line on Friday because he had not reserved his iPad.

In the previous post, Techdy Bear talked about the passionate Greg Packer, who was determined to be the first person in this world to get an Apple iPad.

For your information, Apple is handing out the tablet first to those who had reserved it. The device will also be couriered or delivered at stores to those who pre-ordered it before it becomes available to the general public.  

Long Island resident Packer, who retired as highway maintenance worker, has been waiting out the Apple Store since Tuesday, sleeping at the nearby Penn Station.

Since he had not reserved the iPad, he had to give way to German blogger, Richard Gutjahr who was second behind him in the line. 

Excited about becoming the first person to get the iPad, Gutjahr said, 

"Apparently nobody before me in the original line had a reservation...  crazy."

Gutjahr told a blog that Packer is angry about being forced to drop back.  

"He seems to be really mad. Funny thing : the media still thinks he'd be the number one who gets the iPad. But he needs to wait until the reserved line is done. And that one is lead by me. Who would have thought this?"

Don't be sad, Greg. At least now you have your desired laptop iPad while I'm still dreaming of it. 

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