YouTube Brand New Look

Written by Keong17 | 4/04/2010 | | 0 comments »

After months of planning and testing, the Internet's No. 1 video-sharing site, YouTube, launched a new look last week.
YouTube has brought in some decent changes and eliminated few features to the page (or replacement).

Here's what's new about the page:
Overall look and functionality
- It's cleaner, simpler and easier to use.
- Information about a video is now grouped together in one place and there's a consistent way to get more detail when you need it. This way, unless something's truly useful to you, it doesn't clutter up your page.
- YouTube cleaned up the actions bar; you'll see a streamlined presentation for sharing, flagging, and embedding controls.

- The right-hand side of the page is devoted to the next video to watch. YouTube smarter about suggesting the next videos to watch based on how you found the video you're watching in the first place.
- The channel name and subscribe button are now both on top of the video. YouTube found that you prefer having a quick peek at more videos uploaders have created before deciding whether to subscribe to their channels.

- There's a new playlist interface, with the next video in the list appearing consistently in the top right. You can easily expand that list or skip ahead using a new next button in the player controls.
- Saving to playlists is easier, and we've made Favorites the default option.

- YouTube replaced the five-star ratings system with a simpler "likes / dislikes" model and introduced a new "Videos I Liked" list.

- Comments have a new highlights view which summarizes the best discussions and celebrates when creators communicate with their audiences.

These few changes has draw some critics from users. Many of them dislikes the way YouTube removed/replaced some of their favorite features. They feels that there's no need for replacements.

One more thing : the word "Broadcast Yourself" is missing. Funny to see YouTube removed it from the its page.

Anyway, what's done is done. Accept it the way I did (good changes).

sources : YouTube, YouTube Blog

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